People have asked me how come it is snowing in autumn. It's actually supposed to be the end of autumn when winter is approaching. The leaves on the trees (some of which appear rather green) are just artistic license.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that there is a time and place for everything. Take a good thing out of its proper time and place, and it may very well lose its beauty. Everything, the Bible says, is beautiful in its time. The verse does not say, "in His time," but, "in its time." Snow is beautiful in winter, but is hardly appropriate in summer. There is order to God's creation, and everything is beautiful and to be enjoyed in its proper context.
As God's creation, we best enjoy life when lived within the order that He has ordained. When we go against that order, that is when we hurt ourselves and others. For example, sex is good and blessed within marriage, but is sinful and hurtful outside of it. Even in life, timing is everything. A good investment made at the wrong time can result in tremendous loss. And a good businessperson observes trends and plans how to ride on them to make maximum profit, much like how a good farmer observes the seasons and his land and weather and takes measures to reap maximum harvest.
How then do we know when to do what, and when is the best time for anything? Frankly nobody knows. Nobody, that is, except God, in whose hands is the future. That is why it is so important to "wait for Him". Not just wait on Him, but wait for Him. It is then and only then we are assured of His blessings and empowerment for the task He has called us to.
Pictures and text are © Copyright Pix Artz Pte Ltd February 2009
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